Friday, September 02, 2011

Don't tell me. . .

I read this note/poem on a friend's facebook page and had to borrow it.  I have been missing Aiden a lot lately and thinking about him more and more.  A lot has to do with Caleb, a sweet little boy who had Trisomy 18 and earned his wings on Monday, August 29, 2011 after living 29 months.  I never had the please of meeting Caleb or his mother Jeannette but have become friends with her through blogs, facebook, and email.  I was able to watch this little angel grow and thrive when I couldn't watch Aiden any longer but his little body was not able to take all he had to endure any longer.  He is playing today with all the other sweet angels in God's presence and for this I am thankful.  Knowing that they are with God makes it easier (Sometimes) but it doesn't take the feelings away. 

Please don't tell me you know how I feel,
Unless you have lost your child too,
Please don't tell me my broken heart will heal,
Because that is just not true,
Please don't tell me my son is in a better place,
Though it is true, I want him here with me,
Don't tell me someday I'll hear his voice, see his face,
Beyond today I cannot see,
Don't tell me it is time to move on,
Because I cannot,
Don't tell me to face the fact he is gone,
Because denial is something I can't stop,
Don't tell me to be thankful for the time I had,
Because I wanted more,
Don't tell me when I am my old self you will be glad,
I'll never be as I was before,
What you can tell me is you will be here for me,
That you will listen when I talk of my child,
You can share with me my precious memories,
You can even cry with me for a while,
And please don't hesitate to say his name,
Because it is something I long to hear everyday,
Friend please realize that I can never be the same,
But if you stand by me, you may like the new person I become someday.

Aiden Mathew Bray

Please pray for Caleb's family that they find peace and strength today and in the days ahead.
For You, O GOD, are my place of safety.
Psalm 59:9


Sarah Morris said...

This is so moving, Ashley. You are all in our thoughts and prayers. You are a beautiful person inside and out.

lindsey said...

Such a great poem, Ashley...praying for you and Caleb's family right now. Much love :).

sweetjeanette said...

oh my goodness!!! tHAT IS WONDERFUL Thank you so much for sharing!!!